Board of Education

The School Board welcomes you to Oconto Unified School District. The Oconto Unified School Board will collectively ensure all students achieve their highest levels. We will work collaboratively to enhance and enrich the district through student-focused decision-making. We will support the superintendent in developing a successful, safe, and secure environment for all children and a positive and productive workplace for all employees.

Board Commitments

We will work collaboratively to enhance and enrich the district through decision-making that is student-focused. We will support the administration in developing a successful, safe, and secure environment for all children, along with developing a positive and productive workplace for all employees.

School Board Meetings & Board Listening Sessions

School board meetings take place on the 3rd Monday of each month.  They start at 6:00 p.m. and are held in the District Community Room located at Oconto Middle School.  Every other month (February, April, June, August...) there is a Board Listening Session prior to the meeting from 5:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.  These sessions are held in the District Office, which is also located at Oconto Middle School.  This is an opportunity for you to voice concerns to 2 of our school board members. 

If you have questions, please call (920) 834-7814 ext. 4103.  

Meeting Norms

Prepare for Board Meetings: thoroughly review all materials provided in preparation for all board meetings.

Engage in Purposeful Discussion: stay on topic, clearly and concisely share ideas, and avoid repeating comments made by other board members.

Collaborate Respectfully: consider all opinions; collaboratively engage to reach decisions as a whole board; and believe that all are working for the best interests of OUSD students, staff, and community.

Make Informed Decisions: use presented information to make decisions that align with the district and BOE's vision, mission, and priorities.

Demonstrate Professional and Ethical Governance: use discussion and voting to communicate individual viewpoints and demonstrate acceptance of Board decisions through words and actions.

Board Members

PRESIDENT | Crissy Kumhala (Rural Seat) 4/2022-4/2025 / (920) 373-5015 /

VICE PRESIDENT | Kris Alwin (City Seat) 4/2022-4/2025 / (920) 834-2646 /

CLERK | Sammy Boucher (Rural Seat) 4/2021-4/2024 / (920) 604-0074 /

TREASURER | Bobbi Christopherson (City Seat) / 4/2021-4/2024 / (920) 373-7070 /

Connie Brabant (Rural Seat) 4/2023-4/2026 / (920) 604-4751 /

Doug Thompson (City Seat) 4/2023-4/2026 (920) 321-4505 /

Maria Roberts (City Seat) 4/2022-4/2025 / (920) 604-2552 /

School Board Committees

Budget & Finance

  • Doug Thompson, Maria Roberts, Connie Brabant

Buildings & Grounds

  • Crissy Kumhala, Bobbi Christopherson, Sammy Boucher


  • Committee of the Whole

Community Outreach

  • Bobbi Christopherson, Sammy Boucher, Kris Alwin


  • Kris Alwin

CESA 8 Delegate

  • Doug Thompson

Negotiations - OES & Support Staff

  • Maria Roberts, Connie Brabant, Doug Thompson

WASB Convention Delegate

  • Doug Thompson (Alternate: Kris Alwin)
OUSD 2024-2025 Student Representatives
Student Reps

Oconto High School Student Representatives:

Elaina Moody:

As a second-year Student Representative of the OUSD School Board, Elaina would like to thank the Board for this opportunity. Elaina is an avid member of Oconto High School. Elaina is currently the Student Council President, National Honor Society Secretary, National Art Honor Society Vice President, and Science Club Secretary. She is also a member of the Art Club, Yearbook Committee, and Hope Squad and a captain of this year's Varsity Volleyball Team.

Elaina and two of her classmates organized a suicide awareness volleyball game in September of 2023, where they ended up raising just under $2,000. The game will take place again this year during the basketball season, with plans for this to continue for years to come.

Elaina helps volunteer at Curative Connections outside of school, dog sits, babysits, and volunteers whenever needed.

Elaina would like to credit her parents for instilling her with a work ethic, a bubbly personality, and a love for people.

Owen O'Connor:

As a second-year OHS Student School Board Representative, Owen is also a member of the student council, National Honor Society, Science Club, Hope Squad, and a track manager.

Owen and his two classmates organized and ran a Mental Health Awareness volleyball game on September 26th, 2003. They raised almost two thousand dollars to be donated towards getting more mental health resources in surrounding schools. A plan is in place for Owen and a couple classmates to organize this event again in the 2024-2025 school year.

Some of Owen's hobbies include cooking and baking all sorts of food. Owen’s favorite quote is, “If you never try it, you'll never be able to say, hey, it worked,” from Dr. Pol, a veterinarian who Owen likes to watch in his free time.

Owen wants to attend UWGB or NMUto earn his master's in Social Work and be a social worker in the healthcare field.

He credits his parents, especially his mom, for their/her support in his passions for making sure he never gives up.

Oconto Middle School Student Representatives:

Audrey Murdock:

Audrey is in her second year of serving as the middle school student representative for the Oconto Unified School District Board of Education.

As the current Student Council President, her primary focus is ensuring every student feels happy and has a sense of belonging at school.

Audrey values the friendships and community she has built through her involvement with the board.

Outside of school, she enjoys playing electric guitar with her band and appreciates the long-term friendships and strong community connections she's experienced as part of the district.

Jillian Johnson:

Jillian Johnson is excited to go through another amazing year of student council and school. She has been in the student council for a year now and has helped with changes in the activities the council has done. As attention to the changes, Jillian has helped keep the council lined with assigned days so the council can get things done. She also helps plan the dances, spirit days, and activities for the school year. Some activities include last year's field day, the Pepsi for your Bestie fundraiser, and more!

In her free time, Jillian enjoys doing productions with ASPI (Abrams Spotlight Productions). Some productions include Gypsy and CCBB (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang).

Jillian also enjoys hanging out in her room and listening to music. Jillian's favorite type of music is 80s through early 00s rock.

She also would like to give a shoutout to Mrs. A. Brunette and Mrs. Tesch for all they have done this past year to help build her leadership skills. Jillian can bring those leadership skills to the School Board meetings as one of the middle school student representatives. Her voice will be an asset to the School Board meetings.