Share your Story or Good News with Us

We know that there are great things going on in our schools every day. Help us to celebrate the achievements of our students, teachers, and staff with parents and the Oconto County community!

The kinds of school stories and events we cover: When determining news coverage, we seek out interesting or unique stories that would appeal to the broader Oconto County community, such as:

  • Events or activities that highlight your school's academic excellence

  • Activities that show a diversity of education and excellence (authentic learning, STEM, outdoor learning, expeditionary learning, etc.)

  • Individual student, teacher, or staff member achievements

  • School/Student fundraising achievements for third-party nonprofit causes

  • Annual school traditions

  • Profiles of teachers and principals

  • District, state, regional and national level competitions and championships

  • Multiple schools collaborate within OUSD on a project or activity.

  • Sports events include behind the scenes and candid shots.

Depending on the story or event, we may provide coverage via social media, a written article, photo coverage and/or video coverage. Alternatively, you can upload high-quality, clear pictures of the event you are sharing with us.

PLEASE NOTE: Our communications team is responsible for vetting the content and submitted materials. We need to make sure that the news meet OUSD Communications guidelines. Before submitting the pictures, make sure that the involved parties are aware of the photo usage policy which involves publishing their pictures on our website and social media.

The kinds of school stories and events we do not cover or publish on our outlets:

  • Any news that endorses a business.

  • Stories without write-ups and/or without pictures.

  • Repetitive stories.

  • Any news which has no community or school angle.

Submit Your Good Story Here